Have a website or business? Want to implement a reward system for your loyal customers? Create a LoyaltyCoin and pay it out to your customers for performing your desired action (purchasing item, writing a product review, etc). Then allow your customers to redeem their LoyaltyCoins for special discounts, prizes, free products. Your customers will also be able to sell/trade their LoyaltyCoins with other users at an agreed-upon fair market value.
Cat used her MYJEWELRY coin to encourage customers to bring in their scrap gold jewelry. In exchange, the MYJEWELRY coin gave those customers a discount on future purchases.
Are you using an asset to reward customers who use your product or service? That is awesome! Tell us all about your exciting project and we could feature it here giving your project even more exposure!
Are you using an asset to reward customers who use your product or service? That is awesome! Tell us all about your exciting project and we could feature it here giving your project even more exposure!