What is Dogeparty?

Dogeparty is a clone of the Counterparty codebase which has been configured to run on the Dogecoin blockchain. The Dogeparty platform has most of the same features as Counterparty except that Dogeparty uses the Dogecoin network to store its transaction data.

Some of the major differences between Counterparty and Dogeparty are :

  • 10x Faster - Transactions confirmation times on Dogeparty are typically 10x faster than traditional Bitcoin transactions, at 1-10 minutes. This opens the door to whole new applications impossible with slower network speeds.
  • 100x Cheaper - Network fees on a meta-layer can be around $0.25, and make it costly to run applications on top of Bitcoin. DOGE fees are about 100x cheaper, so micro-transactions can thrive on Dogeparty, ideal for socially-oriented projects and startups.

Learn more about Dogeparty